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Maplewood Farm & Orchard
Maplewood Farm & Orchard produces golden, 100% pure maple syrup, maple candies and smooth as silk maple cream as well as peppered maple mustard, maple apple pumpkin spread, gourmet maple coated nuts, maple cranberry almond granola, maple lollipops, maple cotton candy, oatmeal and buttermilk pancakes mixes and also stock maple popcorn and maple brittle.
Visit their Confectionary Kitchen and Shoppe at 74 Meredith Street, Delhi, or their Sugar House in Bovina Center.
Duane & Karen LaFever & Family
596 Miller Ave
Bovina Center, NY 13740
Visit their Confectionary Kitchen and Shoppe at 74 Meredith Street, Delhi, or their Sugar House in Bovina Center.
Duane & Karen LaFever & Family
596 Miller Ave
Bovina Center, NY 13740